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WARNING This room contains philosophies which may cause a paradigm shift in consciousness.

Published December 1999, Updated April 14 2024.

By Samuel K Lockney © 1999


Religious Fundamentalism Is The Blasphemy Of
The Christ Force and Teachings

For centuries mans religions have steered humankind astray from the true spirituality of the Christ force by teaching us to worship God and Christ. To worship anything including Christ, is to disperse ones inner being of spirit and energy into a graven image of a religious paradox. The biggest downfall of most religions are these three misconceptions and teachings.

  • 1.The teaching that God and Christ are exterior beings, separate and dominating over our inner and outer being.

  • 2.The teaching that God and Christ are to be placed above all individuals and worshipped as deities that rule over all creation.

  • 3.The teachings that going to church and worshipping God and Christ will send you to Heaven upon death, while sending all others to damnation.


    This next segment will cover these three deadly sins.

    The misconception that God and Christ are exterior beings, separate and dominating over our inner and outer being. This teaching results in the misconception that the power of life’s force / the Christ force is exterior and separate from an individuals inner being or self. This intern diss-empowers a individuals spirit and Christ force by disconnecting it from the central energy of creation and healing. The Christ force dose not come into you upon submission to a church or religion. Quite the opposite in fact. You are born into the Christ force and possess it upon birth, for the power that created you is within you. Both Christ and Buddha possessed this power by realizing that the energy exist within ones self. Their teachings were to empower people to utilize this already existing inner power through self purification of spirit. The religious teachings of the outer worship of deities is false and disconnects us from the true power of our being. We are all meant to spend life’s journey evolving spiritually into higher and higher states of being, eventually becoming the Christ force its self . If everyone could realize that God and Christ are not to be worshipped but something you become through peace, love and caring. Then the Heaven that everyone is waiting to die for , would be here now on earth.


    Dangers Of The Religious Paradox

  • 1.The subjection to dominating mind control of your deepest self, your spirit, by tyrannical powers of self interest.

  • 2.The teaching that life's suffering is based on past sins.

  • 3.The teaching that heaven is something you must earn and die to receive and can't create.

  • 4.The teachings of mis-concepted history and purpose.

  • 5.Fueling the fires of worldly destruction towards a cataclysmic ending.

  • 6.Responsible for the destruction and killing off of the native cultures of the world leading us to spiritual poverty and a separation from mother earth.


    The Results of fundamentalist Religious Programming

  • 1.The limiting of spiritual growth to religious doctrine.

  • 2.The spawning of division, separation, hate and bigotry.

  • 3.Living in the emptiness of being disconnected from self destiny.

  • 4.The end to self examination, Philosophy and pondering the unknown.

  • 5.The disconnection from the true inner spirit and life's destiny.

  • 6.Results of religious rivalry and war. Responsible for taking more human life than all other wars put together.

  • 7.The waving of self responsibility towards earthly destruction and Armageddon.

    Christ Was A Teacher

    Of The Earth's Energy

    The Human Guide To Spirituality

    By Don Onken

    I draw on the omnipotence of cosmic mind and my problems now dissolve. I am all powerful, and my mind and body are fortified by the inner strength of divine mind. Peace be still, be still and know that I am god. I now create my own mental atmosphere of good luck. I am not a victim of circumstances. I can change that which I do not like by changing my mind. I see perfection all around me. I am in tune with people and the laws of life. I radiate poise, confidence, and love. I know that all my problems are now overcome through my understanding of others through patience and good will. I am joyous and expectant of my good. I am surrounded by the magic circle of Gods divine love. I reflect only those qualities of goodness, beauty, peace, and divine love in my personality. I magnetize and attract into my orbit of experience only those persons who vibrate to the same qualities of the divine mind. I affirm that I am now in the orbit of power and energy. I am surrounded by a magnetic field of positive life force. I am vital and strong. My mind is now programmed with success. I project an attitude of loving cooperation and attract friends. I overcome all discouragement and defeat. I have faith in myself and my ability to succeed. I affirm that I am healthy and resistant to all disease. I believe I will make a fortune. I live in a aura of dynamic magnetism and positive power. I attract health, happiness, love, friendship, and prosperity. I am learning and remembering more and becoming wiser. I will become more appealing, attractive, and interesting to others. I desire zest, action and devotion. My physical, mental and spiritual body rejuvenates and rebuilds itself with every breath I take.


    The evolution of the humanistic god

    The humanistic god could not have existed before the evolution of human consciousness. a humanistic interpretation of god, creates a humanistic god. This notion brings on the philosophic debate, Is there factual basis or need for a humanistic god. The entire reality of humanism is created by humans including the humanistic gods. All of humankind's reality is self manifesting. However without the great myths that built our society, humanism as we know it would not exist. Our species is unique because in order for it to evolve, it must create realities and then move into and become them. Could this be what separates us from animals. Could animal existence be more grounded and base on solid fact? Is what makes the human different from the animal kingdom simply that we live within our dreams? Are we the ultimate perfection of nature, the flower on the bush, or are we miss guided free radicals caught in self destructive elusion?


    Plants, Entheogens And The Evolution Of Human Consciousness

    This article my prove controversial to the ego bound and religious. Since the beginning of civilization, humans have pondered their origin through philosophic debate and religious rivalry. However as our culture advances into the grounded worlds of science and logic, Scientist are discovering what the ancients already knew. Scientist are now uncovering a missing link to the evolution of human consciousness. The discovery is a strong link between Entheogens / psychedelic compounds found in the plant world and in human brain chemistry. DMT for example is a powerful hallucinogen found in twelve different species of plants as well as Cain toads and certain insects. DMT plays a important part in our every day brain chemistry such as dream states. Also the compound psilocybin found in the strophria cubensis mushroom species has been found to have played a major part in the evolution of human consciousness, survival and reproduction. LSD found in two species of plants and one of fungus plays a major part in the development and evolution of the human mind. It has been found by scientist conducting human brain research, that the reason these plants and their compounds are related to human brain chemistry is because these compounds created human brain chemistry. In recent studies scientist have found these substances to be bridging synapses with conductive brain chemicals and moving new consciousness into previously unused portions of the brain. The result of this being the expansion / evolution of human consciousness. Entheogens are know as psychological and physical boundary dissolvers.