*Phyto Philosophic Room 5.

A Gay Prospective Towards Universal Understanding

This room is dedicated to the philosophic understanding of homosexuality by giving the straight mind a in depth view into the lives and philosophies of gay men and women and their place in the universe.

By Samuel Lockney. updated 8-10-99.

Freedom Of Choice, Psychological Or Genetic?

I personally feel that in most cases homosexuality is a genetic factor that is based on the balance of X & Y chromosomes, Hormone production and genetic coding. Most gay people appear to have been raised in conventional and normal life styles. When asked most gay people reply that their sexuality came on to them as naturally as any straight person. Their sexual desires starting at time of puberty and reaching the age of denial around eighteen years of age. Almost every gay person I've interviewed have dated the opposite sex from age eighteen to around age twenty five before admitting to their selves and others the undeniable truth. Gay people who have been raised under confined religious morality seem to have the most difficulty dealing with their sexuality. This is because most religions leave little or no room for the self reflection of homosexuality. Though genetic coding has determined their place in society, Their moralistic mind will not set them free. For religion as well as most of society over looks the genetic factor. I find that the notion of being gay though freedom of choice to be a absurd one. For who in their right mind could or would chose to be gay. That would be like a straight man one day suddenly deciding to change his sexual desires from women to men. If your born without gay tendencies you will never be gay, but if you are born with gay tendencies, then be what you are and don’t ban yourself from life’s pleasures and destiny by pretending to be something your not.

The Gay Relation To The Matrix Of Nature Model 1.

I feel that if the heterosexual community would step outside of their moralistic painting of what they perceive as reality, and take a deep prospective into the ultimate virtual realities of the universe, they would soon come to realize that homosexuals are playing a necessary and diverse part in the gene pool of humanity.

Homosexuals are the balance between the male and female mind. A strong balance between Yin and Yang. The go between informational catalyst between sexes. The keepers of cultural equilibrium. This makes for a well balanced society.

We as a species must come to realize that gay and lesbian rights are not based on freedom of choice, but the right to exist as we are born to be.

A Viable Model As To The Existence Of Homosexuality And Its Place In The Universe.

The Self Regulating, Bio-spheric, Population Control Mechanism Model 2.

Looking at the bio-sphere as a self regulating living organism, one which resumes its balance through the evolutionary process of nature. In bio-physics we can observe that equal but opposing forces when out of balance will perform every effort to restore balance to prevent self destruction. In our planets struggle to survive it will adjust its ecosystem to counter balance ecological self destruction.

In a world where overpopulation poses the primary threat to earth’s existence , the planet will attempt to correct the imbalance in ecolibrium through plagues, famine and natural disasters. However a more long term and humane way for the planet to deal with overpopulation is through human sterility and the genetic birth of homosexuals. For homosexuals do not reproduce. We may soon find that as the earth becomes more populated the human genetic birth code causing homosexuality will rise per populous in order to reduce human reproduction. It has been speculated by theorist that if homosexuals never existed the earth would have reached its self destructive apex fifty years ago. For those of you who have predestined your reality to the biblical / moral words of man and his dominance, will never see the big picture or understand the genetic bases of homosexuality.

A deniable Truth.

73% of all men have had at least one gay experience during the early years of childhood. This dose not necessarily reflect that these men were born with gay tendencies. However it dose reflect that that childhood sexual experimentation with the same sex is a fundamental building block in the secure development of human sexuality. Early sexual experimentation in later years aids in the defining of sexual boundaries and preferences. It has been found that in extreme cases of homophobia, that these individuals fall under three main criteria. 1. They were raped by the same sex most likely a family member, when they where very young of age. Or 2. They are lacking in there sexual development and are indecisive as to their own sexual preference. Or 3. The were raised under the confinement of right wing religion and / or white supremacy with teachings of hate.

Gay Rights Or Human Rights?

People often ask me if I am supportive of the gay rights movement. I reply that I am in support of the movement. however I feel their understanding of the United States constitution is vague. I strongly feel that the gay movement should not be wasting their time trying to install a new right in the constitution called "Gay Rights", but instead should focus on getting the public to reinforce our constitutions "Human Rights" clause, which insures rights for all humankind. Why try to add all these new rights to the constitution such as women’s Rights, Black Rights and Gay Rights, when all these rights are guaranteed by our constitution. We as a society need strongly to focus on reinstating the US constitution which we are rapidly loosing.

Turmoil Of A Gay Mind, My Story.

People often ask me if there is inner conflict in the mind of a gay person. My reply to that is yes. There are many different conflicts that pass though the mind of a gay person. The earliest conflict is being gay in a straight mans world. Most people who first discover their gay sexuality can not express their desires or inner emotions do to a fear of being outlasted. Their hidden fear of coming out builds walls between them and other gay people. This further alienates them from meeting a compatible partner for a strong relationship. To add to this most people who are gay are not out with it, So finding another gay person to express yourself with is a great challenge if not a miracle. In this society one of the only places that gay people feel out with enough to meet is in gay bars and clubs. This in tern causes many gay relationships to get off to a bad start. The reason is that clubs and bars are not usually a good place to begin a strong relationship.

Another strong conflict is that gay men born with a genetic balance of X & Y's, seem to be more attracted to heterosexual men than other gay men, this poses extreme psychological unrest and emotional pain for both parties.

Aryan Hate And The Bashing

A sad but true story of mine.

The morning of a beautiful summer day had dawned as sun light cast down from my bedroom window. It was Saturday, and I had spoke previously to my closest friends about possibly spending the day in the serenity and peace of the mountain atmosphere. I called my friends that morning to confirm the idea. I won't mention names as to protect their reputation. Neither of my two friends were gay nor did they know I was. We packed up our camping supplies and took to the hills. We had decided our destination to be Forest Falls located in the mountain range just above our home in the small town of Yucaipa. The mountain drive was purifying as we ascended the mountain road. The greenery of pines filled the air accented with the sweet smell of flowering Scottsbroom. We shortly arrived at our destination, the upper campground of Forest Falls. We managed to find a secluded spot and parked. My friends and I set up camp and took off for a exploring hike though the forest. We finally reached the water where we sat down to smoke a pipe load of some pretty good herb. The mountain peeks reached their valleys into the serenity of the flowing water. Time passed slowly as we sat and watched the forest animals scurry and fly about through the canopy. Several hours had passed and we were a little hungry and a cold beer sounded pretty good at this point, so we started back to camp. We back tracked the trail and made our way towards camp. As we parted into the clearing we noticed that we were not alone, it seems a few unknown guest had arrived and had parked their vehicle next to our van. There were four buff guys and two girls. The guys appeared to have shaved heads and be on vacation from the military. We arrived at camp and ate a sandwich then opened a beer. The new comers smiled and walked towards our side of the camp. Upon greeting them they seemed to be very pleasant people. They shook our hands and asked if we had a few extra beers. We said of course and they proceeded to join us. In conversation we found out that they were fresh out of the military and had come to the mountains to relax. About one hour into the visit a strange vibe of tension came into our circle, It began with my beer being knocked over by the larger mans foot. Assuming it was a accident I set my beer back upright. Before we new what was happening or could rise from my setting position ,I was kicked over and dragged to the rocks. One friend ran away for help to the ranger station while the other was held down an beaten. The bigger of the guys placed his knee on my chest and held me to the ground while repetitively punching my face and upper body. Another guy came over and began kicking me from both sides. I felt one massive blow to my face. The lager guy tilted his head back and yelled to the girls "I think I broke his nose" then laughed. The beatings continued for thirty minutes before I realized they were planning on killing us. Blood flowed down the rocks and began to pool around my body. I could hear the faint but distant pleas for help from my friend. With my life flashing before me and my eyes full of blood, I laid their lifeless and pretended to be dead. I prayed my friend would do the same. After a short time of my silence and know response from my lifeless and limber body, the group departed. A sigh of relief came over me. Pulling my self hand over hand I managed to drag my body to the door of our van. grabbing onto the door handle I pulled myself up and wiped the blood from my eyes. My friend was still alive and staggering towards me. We got into the van and drove home. The men involved were never caught and to this day continue their hate crimes.

More Coming Soon!