Completing the circle of life can only be achieved through realizing and becoming One with creation. For everything is born and everything must pass. Like endless sands through the hourglass all must come and all must go. We as nature are the eyes of the universe and the body of the earth. We must dissolve our bounders and become one with life and each other, for the whole of the creation process in its totality is the only known eternity.
All energy is of one energy. As planet earth spins through space, the conductive metals and quarts crystals draw energy from space similar to an electric generator. One of the expressions of this energy is life / Electra. Unlike the popular belief, electric energy is not created in our bodies or on earth. Instead a already existing singular and constant flow of energy moves though us and existence expressing itself as life / Electra. Energy is a constant continuum, machines like generators only capture and utilize this flow of energy. Electra flows through life like circuits on a circuit board. Energy dose not stem from us, but instead flows through us. This theory reflects the notion that all existence is of one energy. Existence utilizes expresses this energy in many forms and ways.
In a symbiotic, synchronistic, accumulative and self-reflecting process all of existence is made. This ongoing accumulative process can be viewed as a synchronistic inner and outer reaction between equal but opposing forces, this process works by opposites reflecting back and forth upon each other such as in the left and right hemisphere of the human brain, the compromise between the two is YOU. The compromise between equal but opposing forces is Existence. All of existence at every level is self-creating through this process, and is bound together in sychronisty by the master wave. This model may reflect the workings of the creation mechanism, but the next question would be what synchronizes the synergistic rhythm of this process / existence. My theory is that a Master Wave was set into motion at the birth of existence by the first galactic explosion. This explosion set forth the master wave that synchronizes all wave formations which include Sound waves, Light waves, Atomic waves and anatomic rhythms. The elements and fundamentals presented in a explosion of such magnitude are light, sound, energy and matter, the beginnings of existence. This set in rhythm by the force of the explosion which continues to reverberate inside the curvature of the universe of universes.
The digitalization of analog reality is a aspect of nature that is only present in the highest evolved animal` The human '. Digitalization is a evolved construct of the human mind. As the human inner world is reflected and materialized over the outer worlds of analog nature, This has began a process which is digitizing nature. Since humans are the dominant species on this planet and since our planets ecosystems / life support systems operate on analog, the human impact has created a imbalance in the analog / organic matrix of nature. This has intern began a process of the self destruction of the supper organism. The human process of turning organic matter into dead matter, is replacing life with death. In the same way a imbalance in the human body causes cancer and disease. We must limit our supper imposing of digital realities over the analog world in order to survive. We must balance our need for convenience with our need for life.
There will soon come a time when we can reflect upon ourselves in the utmost clarity and the thin line between the yen and yang will devolve into the ultimate perfection in which it began.
Those of us who fight to be original are the visionaries of the future and the architects of human destiny.
As in the nucleus of a cell, we as humans are
each the center of our own existence. Our worlds are only as rich or as deep as
we believe they are. We each exist within a sphere of self. Only as vast as we
acknowledge it. Only as far as we choose to see it. Only as true as we believe
it to be. The circle is only as big as you draw it. The smaller the circle, the
more of a individual you are. The larger the circle the more at one you become
with existence.
Think of the possibility of a genetic code
in the evolutionary gene pool driving consciousness towards self-reflection.
The evolution of consciousness being the first self reflection of nature.
Humans being at the very end of the evolutionary scale are the most self reflective
portion of nature. Nature / existence can now observe itself through the telescopes
and microscopes of human observation. First creation gains plant consciousness
then animal consciousness and finally Human consciousness.
There are times when Yen is dominated by Yang and
there are times when Yang is dominated by Yen. In this same way darkness dominates
times of night and light dominates times of day. This back and forth domination
of one opposing force over its opposite, I call the play / battle of equal but
opposing forces. There will always come a time when the dominating force is
overtaken by its opposite. This is simple applied physics.
If this model holds to its to its theory, then every level of existence will be overtaken by the domination of its opposite. Take the two opposites the micro world and the macro world. The micro world is made up of tiny bacteria and viruses as well as many other organisms. Now think of the macro scale which consist of the human / animal kingdom. Each of these worlds are threatened by its opposite. The most powerful and opposing enemy of the human / animal world is the microbe world. In this modern time it is becoming evident to scientist that the ingestion of meat and animal based products, as well as the injections of vaccines and antibiotics have created a weakness in the human gene pool. This is because today's meat products are laden with synthetic chemicals, hormones and antibiotics. It is also becoming clear that the genetic engineering of vaccines from animal and human viruses has created a mutating ground for the establishment of powerful and incurable strains of microbes. It has been speculated by scientist that with in the next twenty years these common viruses will have mutated to a level of strength incurable by modern science. This theory poses there will come a time when the macro world is dominated by the micro world.