*Phyto Philosophic Society Room 2*


Ah conformity taste so sweet in a world where everyone’s the same. Days pass comfortably unlived. Life seems great, a good job, high status and lots of friends who are exactly like you. Life is easy when you somebody else. Yes conformity allows us to be self destructive to the world around us without having to be responsible for it. People often ask me why don’t I conform life would be so much easier. My answer to that would be ` Because The Norm Is Killing Us.‘ Suggestion When conformity comes knocking at your door embrace it only to survive, but never put your heart and soul into conformity or the individual with in you will die. Conformity is the reaper.

Samuel K. Lockney

The topic of bio-synchronisity and how it relates to a balanced and complete ecosystem.

A misjudgment of man is to view the analog flow of nature as disorganized sporadisism. When actually the super organism concept shows that all life is of one life. Each life evolving off the previous life, laying down layers of a evolutionary foundation which we call nature, life and existence. All of existence is layered up to its evolutionary point in time. Look at a seashell and how it grows layering deposits of calcium, or the human mind and how its layered with lives experience. Because life evolves from a singularity, all of existence is synchronized into a seamless web of harmony and balance. A web unbroken from its center creation point. As humans we are a living part of this process that must also remain balanced. When a imbalance takes place in the seamless web of nature, at first nature will attempt to restore the balance with a counterbalance. If this fails a unstability in the evolutionary foundation takes place, creating a week spot. For example if to many species of plant and animal life forever perish from the evolutionary construct of nature, then the once seamless web of nature will unravel. Since the foundation of this existence is made up of millions of layers of these synchronistic webs, and since human impact is responsible for the extinction multitudes of life forms, this biological existence depends on us to restore balance / ecolibrium.

A small group of philosophic minds have joined together in an effort to protect, preserve and restore Ecolibbium. Together we created Oasis Botanical Sanctuary, a non-profit public benefit corporation Dedicated To The Restoration Of Ecolibrium.